How to Create and Promote Multi-Day Travel Packages?

Oct 5, 2022
How to Create and Promote Multi-Day Travel Packages?

Multi-day travel packages are becoming increasingly popular. A travel package typically includes accommodation, transportation, and leisure activities at an exclusive price, which makes it an even more attractive choice for customers.


Further, travelers can save time by putting their trust in the travel agent’s hands to create the entire trip from start to finish.


Why Create Multi-Day Travel Packages?

Sticking to that tried and true one-day tour or accommodation & transport combination can keep your travel business alive. However, if you want to attract more clients and grow your travel business, you should consider offering multi-day travel packages. 


Clients prefer multi-day travel packages due to their attractive prices, travel agents’ expertise, and time-saving.


Travel agents also favor them because of the opportunity to gain additional revenue and diversify offerings. Find out more valuable Tips for Increasing Sales in a Travel Agency.


How to Create a Multi-Day Travel Package?

As a travel agent, you already know what travel packages are your best sellers. Except for the popular travel packages, it’s always good to experiment with new ideas. TripMatrix software allows you to create predefined multi-day travel packages. 


Predefined travel packages are excellent for showcasing different travel options to potential clients. Stay tuned and learn how to create a predefined multi-day travel package using TripMatrix in a few steps.


Step 1: Choose a Destination and a Name of the Travel Package

Creating packages can be challenging and time-consuming, and you need to take multiple steps before creating a package.


The first step to creating a multi-day travel package is deciding on destinations. Choose a destination based on the client type you want to attract. Are you building a travel package for adventure seekers, food lovers, or an active family?


Other than a destination, you need to focus on the package name and include actionable keywords. Package names such as ‘’10-day Romantic Getaway in Rome or 5-day Adventure in Alpes’’ give a clear idea of the trip. Picking a relevant name for a travel package also saves your client’s time.


Clients won’t have to click on multiple travel packages to gain information on the duration, location, and other relevant trip information. Find out how quickly and easily you can create travel packages using TripMatrix Software.


Step 2: Plan a Route

A route plan is one of the essential steps in creating a trip, and it is usually a more logistic and less fun component of building a multi-day travel package. With TripMatrix software, route planning can be straightforward and enjoyable. 


The interactive map makes it easy to view and search for locations along the way. You will have an option to add destinations, the number of nights per destination, and transportation options in just a few clicks.


trip builder


Route Planner


Step 3: Upload Your Products and Services

Adding products and services to the TripMatrix software takes just a few minutes. First, choose the category such as accommodation, destination, experience, restaurant, and transportation on the menu bar. After selecting the category, provide more information in a description box and add images.


Once you have added descriptions and images, the last step is to include the product price. TripMatrix Software allows you to add and edit the price of your product and profit margins using a simple calculator.


You will also have an option to search for existing products and services and add them to the package.  TripMatrix has many options you can choose from to upgrade your package and create an unforgettable experience for your clients. 


CRM - contacts

TripMatrix CRM


Step 4: View Itinerary


Once you have created the package and decided on a route plan, the next step is to view the itinerary and modify accommodation, transportation, experience, and more for each destination. 


After you have reviewed and edited the itinerary timeline, you can publish your package, and it will be visible on your website.


itinerary - travel agents



Step 5: Web Booking Engine (WBE)


TripMatrix’s Web Booking Engine (WBE) allows travel agents to highlight and promote multi-day travel packages. Inquiry forms are connected with TripMatrix, enabling you to receive inquiries directly inside the platform. 


After the first submitted request, the clients will automatically access their profile, where they can view the offer and request edits using the direct messaging option. once the client is happy with the offer, they can proceed with payment.   


Find out how you can manage offers and bookings using TripMareix Software. 


Integrated payment makes it simple for prospects to complete the payment process and take care of the cancelation policy. 


How to Promote Multi-Day Travel Packages?

Now that you have a multi-day travel package ready to go, you are probably wondering what other potential clients are. We have a few pro tips up our sleeve to share with you on making the most out of promoting multi-day travel packages.


The first and most important step is to build a functional and mobile-friendly website. If you have an outdated website, there is a significant possibility your potential clients are leaving your page before purchasing their trips. 


Investing in a new website can be expensive. With TripMatrix, you will get a free subdomain and a variety of website templates to choose from. Learn more about upgrading your website in our blog post 5 Ways to Improve Travel Agency and Tour Operator Website.


Along with creating content for your website, use the power of social media channels. Produce videos and photos or share user-generated content. Potential clients want to see real experiences from your multi-day travel packages. 


Before booking an online trip, many people like to read reviews from previous clients. Open up a Google My Business account or add a web page dedicated to customer reviews. Reading positive reviews on your multi-day travel package will give potential clients an idea of what to expect if they purchase your offer.


Set up a newsletter list and invite your social media audience and potential clients to subscribe. Even if they are not ready to decide on your trip offer now, updates can encourage potential clients to consider your travel packages in the future. 



Both clients and travel agents benefit from multi-day travel packages. While customers can enjoy affordable and safe trips without wasting time planning, travel agents can grow their business, gain more revenue and establish strategic partnerships.


Even though creating a multi-day travel package may seem complicated, TripMatrix Software will make your trip-building a smooth and easy experience. Using our intuitive user interface, you can add your products and services or connect with agency providers worldwide to expand your offerings. 


Features such as automatic calculation of price margins, clean look and feel, and pre-made description boxes for additional information save time in promoting travel packages. 


Promoting your multi-day travel packages can be a challenging process. Depending on your skill set, share expert knowledge in a blog or newsletter, and produce photographs and videos for social media to attract more clients. Moreover, use existing clients’ experiences and reviews to distinguish your travel business from the competition. 


Want to learn more about building multi-day travel packages? Contact us and build professional-looking multi-day travel packages using TripMatrix Travel Agency Software.

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