The Best Travel Agency Software

Jul 20, 2024
The Best Travel Agency Software

What is Travel Agency Software?

Travel agency software is a set of solutions built for travel agencies, tour operators, and DMCs to help them manage their day-to-day business. The software’s primary functions are CRM, product inventory management, trip builder, payment processing, commission distribution, and much more. 


A complete travel agency software should be easy to use, easy to learn, and easy to teach. It should also save time and resources on administration tasks, simplify the itinerary creation process, improve direct communication with prospects, and manage payment and cancellations. 


Many travel agents still use a range of software, excel spreadsheets, and documents to manage their travel business, which can be very time-consuming and inefficient. Therefore, agencies are exploring complete, cloud-based travel agency software to help them manage the entire customer journey from inquiry to payment processing.


TripMatrix main dashboard

TripMatrix – Main Dashboard


Key Functionalities of Travel Agency Software 

Efficiently Automates Daily Tasks and Responsibilities

Travel agents who fully utilize software are able to speed up and optimize their existing processes. With the right software, daily tasks are made much easier, considering the system has the right “tools”. These tools, or features, ensure that the day-to-day travel agency back office processes are taken care of.


Travel agency software must streamline and simplify standard operating procedures (SOPs) such as adding profiles, managing products, building itineraries, creating and sending offers, payment processing, etc.  


These functions are essential for every travel agency. Ideally, the entire back office will take place directly inside the software, allowing agents to invest more time into building fantastic travel experiences for their guests. 


Wide Range of Products Included in the Product Marketplace

Another crucial element that needs to be included in travel agency software is the product marketplace, which allows seamless integration between third-party vendors and independent sellers. 


The product marketplace collates all accommodation and transportation options, making it easy for travel agents to build a trip and add them to the itinerary. Also, local and independent experience providers can add their products and services to the platform and sell them worldwide. An agent can add those services to the itinerary to create a unique local experience for guests. 


The product marketplace is a must-have for ensuring efficient agency operations and maximum guest satisfaction.


Accessible Everywhere and Across All Devices

While some users of travel agency software access the systems through a desktop, computer, or laptop, an increasing number of agents now access the software through other devices, such as tablets or mobile phones.


Of course, you don’t need to do this if you are more comfortable with a desktop or laptop, but once you have experienced the freedom and peace of mind that mobile travel agency software offers, your life as a travel agent will be a lot less stressful.


Mobile access is especially beneficial when trying to manage the multiple sales channels of your travel business. Nowadays, to stand out from competitors, you need to be able to respond to requests in real-time, which means you need to have access to the software anytime, anywhere.


Integrated Payment Processing

Even though payment is the latest step in the selling cycle, it can be complex and time-consuming to process and track payments, distribute commissions, and deal with cancellations.


Once your client is satisfied with the offer, closing the deal as soon as possible is essential. Modern travel agency solutions have embedded payment inside the software, making it easy and convenient for agents and their customers. 


Payemnt list travel agency software

TripMatrix Payment Module


Key Travel Agency Software Features

When looking at travel agency software, you must consider the difference between features and functionality. Features are all the cool bells and whistles that salespeople like to rattle off while trying to sell you their product, while functionality is what the product can do to solve your unique business problems.


Some will make your life easier but won’t add value to your travel business. Think about the compass feature on a mobile phone. Cool? Yes. Practical?


Finding a technology partner that can work with you to understand your unique operational issues and then provide you with the technology to solve those issues is the real reason technology companies (should) exist. Below, we look at the most common features and important functionalities of a world-class, modern travel agency system.


Profiles and Contact Management

TripMatrix’s Profiles module allows you to add and manage your contacts. You can add contacts by importing a spreadsheet or manually creating a new contact. 


The smart search feature on the top helps you search your contacts and edit them with a few simple clicks, which saves a lot of time. 


The account section of the Profiles module is where all accounts and partners are saved. You can customize your contacts list based on your needs and include the information most relevant to your business. You can also view all the details about each contact and account, including contact information and trip information, notes, and more.


contacts detalis view

TripMatrix CRM – Creating a New Profile


Add your Products and Services 

TripMatrix Inventory Builder is where agents can add all products, services, and experiences. You will have the option to pick a category, add basic information such as your offering type, name, and location, along with images and descriptions. 


If you don’t have images and descriptions saved on your desktop, the TripMatrix platform can pull images and descriptions directly from Google. 


Also, you will have the option to add your profit margins, which are automatically calculated and can be added to the itinerary with a single click. 


Elastic search makes it simple to search for your offering on the map and pinpoint the exact location together with the address – just like Google. This feature will be a game changer, making it easier for your customers to find the exact location of their destination. 


Product overview tripmatrix

Product Inventory – Adding Hotel


Trip Builder and Packages 

After you add your products and services to the TripMatrix system, you are ready to create a package using the Trip Builder. You will have an option to select products and services from other providers and add them to your itinerary. 


You would typically start within a route planner map because you probably already know which countries or cities you want to build trips for. TripMatrix allows you to use an interactive map and pinpoint the locations of your trip. 


The next step is to add some basic information such as travel dates, the number of people traveling, time spent in each city, etc. 


Once you have entered the basic information, you can search for the best accommodation and transportation options. TripMatrix pulls all available hotels in the area so you don’t have to go through multiple sources to find the best deal. 


Based on your customers’ wishes, you can add many exciting experiences in the area which can fill up their itinerary and provide a local experience. 


trip builder

Trip Builder Module – Itinerary Creation


Create and Send Offers

After building a trip, you can simply create an offer. Inside the offer, you will have an option to add your profit margins for each item inside the itinerary. The total price will automatically be calculated and adjusted based on your input.


The next step is to send a notification and share the entire itinerary with your client. The client can review the offer, request edits, and proceed to payment. 


TripMatrix allows you to track all offers and bookings in one place, and also gives you the ability to track the status of each offer and booking.


Lastly, direct communication via embedded chat can help you communicate with your client directly inside the platform, improve customer experience, and speed up the sales cycle. 


Payment, Commission Distribution, and Cancellations 

The TripMatrix Payment module allows you to manage and complete the entire payment process directly inside the platform. 


The system will automatically generate and send an invoice to the client for each payment, process payment through the embedded gateway, distribute commissions and take care of cancellations. 


You will no longer need to manually check if the payment arrives, pay suppliers and deal with cancellations. The system will send notifications about each transaction.


Web Booking Engine – Websites

A Web Booking Engine (WBE) is an online website that you can use to add custom trips and promote worldwide. You can choose a subdomain and customize the look and fill of the website. 


Think about it as your main selling point page. You can promote it across all social channels, add widgets to your current website, and share links to your email list. 


Website Tripmatrix

Website Template


Cloud vs On-Premises Travel Agency Software

Many companies worldwide are moving away from on-premises solutions to Cloud-based software. There are several reasons for this. 


Automatic and Free Upgrades

Cloud-based software updates every few months. With every upgrade, software becomes more and more functional, whereas on-prem versions can quickly become outdated. 


Modern and Intuitive Design

Cloud-based solutions look modern and have far better user experience. It is much easier to get used to the software and learn its features and functionalities. 



Security is another important factor for every company when choosing between cloud and on-premises solutions. If you choose the right partner, cloud options are as secure as on-premises solutions. On top of that, you don’t have to keep hardware inside your office or hire expensive IT staff to keep the software running. 


What is TripMatrix – Travel Agency Software?

TripMatrix is a commission-based travel agency software for selling and managing travel products and services. Built in the Cloud, and available across all devices, theTripMatrix platform is an easy-to-use, all-in-one software solution.


Whether an independent agent or a large travel agency, you can utilize TripMatrix to manage your day-to-day business. The platform will save you significant time on administration tasks, simplify the entire trip-building process, improve communication with your clients, and process payments. 


The pricing model allows everyone to start immediately without spending money on installation fees or implementation costs. Simply create a log-in and start using the tool. We will charge a 2% commission per transaction. Click here to find out more about our pricing model.

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